5 web design tips for tech companies

Most tech companies have heavy competition, so it’s vital that your website stands out from the crowd and drives results.

At Azuro Digital, we provide cutting-edge web design services for tech companies. Over the years, we’ve accumulated some essential web design tips for tech companies:

1. Stay up to date with web design trends

As a tech company, users expect your website to be beautiful and to be up to date with design trends. Other industries can more easily get away with having an “ugly” website, but users have higher expectations for tech companies. This is because most tech companies preach constant innovation and are inherently intertwined with design.

So, be sure to hire a designer that can make your website look sexy, and update your website regularly to keep up with design trends. Having a stunning website significantly improves the conversion rate, especially for tech companies.

2. Display compelling social proof

For the user to convert, they must first have a sense of trust with your company. Credibility must be established. The best way of doing this is through displaying social proof - which comes in many forms. This might be testimonials, stats, case studies, logos of awards/certifications, etc.

Display several forms of social proof throughout your website so that credibility is always top-of-mind. It’s also important to display some social proof near the top of any conversion-focused page so that it creates a strong first impression. We also recommend displaying social proof near the bottom of the page - near a prominent call-to-action - as that’s where many users will make a decision.

3. Create custom illustrations

Many tech companies use illustrations on their website to get their message across, as it often creates the modern aesthetic that tech companies aim to achieve on their website.

In many cases, you’d be able to find the perfect illustrations in a stock illustration library such as IconScout - which also allows you to easily customize the colors.

However, if you can’t find the right stock illustrations, don’t be afraid to create custom illustrations from scratch. By doing that, you’ll have full control and you’ll be able to get your ideal message across with the perfect design aesthetic for your brand.

4. Use the right calls-to-action and write engaging copy

There’s no conversion without a call-to-action (CTA), whether it’s to get a quote, book a consultation, purchase a product, or simply to get in touch for a general inquiry.

Choose 1-2 primary CTAs that you want to stand out from the rest of your content, and don’t be afraid of making them highly noticeable and found frequently throughout your content.

We recommend using sizeable buttons for these CTAs, and put them in most sections throughout your website so that it’s always top-of-mind. You can also place them in your header and make your header stick to the top of the page as the user scrolls, so that a CTA is always in sight.

It’s also essential to write compelling copy throughout your entire website. Design is only half the battle. You also need to keep your reader engaged with high-quality copy, motivating them to keep reading and take action. Some key copywriting tips include:

1. Write more about them and less about you

2. Focus on the bottom-line benefits that the user will receive. Don’t be generic. Get specific about how your tech company will improve their life.

3. Avoid jargon and simplify your copy. Write as if you were speaking to a friend. Be approachable and make your copy easy to understand.

4. Keep it short and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs and use spacing or design elements to break up the copy and make it more digestible.

5. Invest in a professional copywriter if your budget allows.

5. Optimize for conversions by split testing

Split testing (also known as A/B testing) is the process of testing multiple versions of the same page against each other and measuring what converts better.

For this to work effectively, we recommend testing 1 variable at a time so that you know what’s impacting the conversion rate. We also recommend testing with Google Ads so that you’re testing each version with the same type of audience simultaneously. Each version should receive at least 1,000 unique visitors for statistical significance.

Keep split testing your pages to drive more leads and revenue from your website!